Sometimes described as the impossible triangle, the “Good, Quick & Cheap” is a formula for managing the expectations and outcomes of a commercial exchange – that is, in any transaction where a service is commissioned, the customer can only have two of the three variables. In the exhibition, Ben Branagan examines the hierarchies implied in the formula, with an irreverent look at the systems and strategies that govern relationships of this kind – and offers up possible alternatives.
Ben Branagan is a designer based in London. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art in 2004 he has run his own studio working across the arts and publishing. He is also co-founder of JohnFrumPress, an independent publisher whose work has been shown at exhibitions and events both in the UK and internationally. In 2007 Branagan begun working with Landmine Action and the Cluster Munition Coalition, acting as consultant on the international campaign to ban the use of cluster bombs. More recently he has been commissioned by the Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art to create work for two exhibitions: Rank and Think Tank.